Sunday, August 23, 2009

Technology taking over?

After watching the first video "Did You Know" I felt as though my country was being targeted. The very beginning had me questioning how far my country has fallen behind in the times. To think that we are all having trouble finding a job and better yet keeping those jobs. Is our country going under? Just how far have we fallen behind, are we looking forward to another Great Depression? It almost seems that the more technology we get in this county, the harder it is to find jobs. Its seems like every time we Google, someone loses a job.
In the second video "Mr Winkle Wakes" had me trying to remember what my life was before my blackberry and laptop. What was did I do with my life before hand? How did I ever get in touch with people? It seemed like Mr. Winkle was so lost, as though doing things the old-fashioned way is completely extincted, like it never existed. It made me wonder how dependent we are on technology, would we even know how to save people's lives as a doctor if there was no computers? That's the one thing I liked about him going to the elementary school, you are always gonna learn the same basic things there, nothing has really changed in a 100 years.

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